Curriculum Overview

The College Learning Plan is designed from the Victorian Curriculum F-10 Framework, and in conjunction with the Education Framework for the Archdiocese of Melbourne – Horizons of Hope.

Learning Areas have a discipline-based approach to learning; students learn the knowledge, skills and behaviours in the following areas. Education in Faith, The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, The Humanities, Languages (Indonesian), Mathematics, Science and Technologies.

Capabilities are a set of discrete knowledge and skills that can and should be taught explicitly in and across the learning areas. These capabilities include: Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal and Social.

Contemporary Priorities our curriculum gives special attention to three areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Australia, and Sustainability. These are embedded in all learning areas and have a strong but varying presence depending on their relevance to the learning area. These priorities provide national, regional and global dimensions and give students the knowledge and skills to engage with and better understand their world.

Our Design Principles

This set of principles was created by the staff, with the support of the school adviser from Catholic Education Melbourne. They reflect our commitment and responsibility for learning and teaching opportunities in our College.

  • We will design a curriculum framework using an Inquiry approach, which has entitlement for all and promotes high expectations.
  • We will place students at the centre of learning, by catering for individual learning styles, by using a  variety of modes of instruction and by using ongoing formative assessment.
  • We will develop a culture of learning in which students take ownership and responsibility for their work.
  • We will use a variety of contemporary tools to engage students and include relationships with local, global and digital communities.
  • We will develop teacher capacity by planning collaboratively using a consistent, structured approach.

Learning Overviews

Our Scope and Sequence is designed to deliver the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.

We use a conceptual inquiry base approach to design Unit Learning Plans that are: rigorous, use contemporary tools, promote deep thinking, build relationships and engage with others. Students ask questions, explore possibilities and consider alternatives.

Learning overviews for each level, are available by clicking on the individual learning links in the menu on the left side of this page.

Personalised Learning

Whilst it is recognised that students progress through the learning continuum from Foundation to Year 10, students do develop and learn at individual rates. They may achieve particular levels earlier or later than the designated timeframes.

Learning Diversity refers to the infinite variety of life experiences and attributes a child brings to their formal learning. Educators support all to flourish by intervening as early as possible to meet the individual needs and abilities of each student.

Home Learning Procedures

We have a well-established and documented process for home learning across the College. Including the recommended times, content, and home school partnership expectations supporting all students to become successful learners.