Extra Curricular Activities

Community Leaders

The Community Leaders are responsible for developing student initiatives and organising fundraising programs for local and national causes.


College Assemblies and Level Assemblies are prepared and presented by staff and students. They cover a wide range of topics and include a strong focus of student achievement.

College Production

Every two years the College presents, to the community, a major play or musical. Students in Years 5-10 are given the opportunity to be involved as either cast or crew.

College Art Exhibition

Every two years the College presents, to the community, an exhibition of students’ art works. The exhibition is linked to events that take place in the wider community and draws interest from a wide range of people.

Camps and Excursion

Students participate in a range of excursions and camps that support the curriculum program.

College Socials

College Socials are offered to students (Yr 7-10) and provide a social outlet for young people in a supervised environment.

Sports Events

The students participate in College Swimming, Athletic and Cross Country carnivals. The College is a member of the Seymour District Schools Sports Association (SDSSA) and the Sandhurst Northern Zone Sports Association. These organisations provide students with the opportunity to compete at inter-school, district and state level.