
Years 7-8 Resilience and Exploration
Students transition from primary school settings and structures to the secondary model of timetable and schooling. Students experience explicit teaching in all learning areas and begin to see connections between skills and attitudes that can be applied across a range of subjects. Students develop agency and accountability for their own learning. They manage their routines and organise their work and study. Students in Year 7 and 8 undertake compulsory core subjects in Faith Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Indonesian and Health and Physical Education. These are complimented by semester long electives based in the Arts and Technologies learning areas.


Years 9-10 Encounter Curriculum Pathways
Compulsory studies in Faith Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Health and Physical Education continue in Years 9 and 10 alongside further elective opportunities in Arts & Technology, STEAM and Agricultural Studies providing a wider curriculum encounter. Students will also have the option to engage in Languages – Indonesian, Vocational Education and  training (VET), School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT), and VCE General Mathematics in Year 10. The Year 9 and 10 curriculum uses a VCE Assessment philosophy, providing rigor and preparing students for their senior school years. Students in these years develop greater independence of mind and interests. They experience learning in the classroom and in work  community settings. They are beginning to develop preferred areas of learning. Identifying personal strengths and developing pathways are emphasised. Students are preparing for their final
years of formal schooling and beyond.


Years 11 & 12 VCE, and VCE-VM
The VCE and VCE Vocational Major program will commence in its entirety in January 2024 under the leadership of the VCE Coordinator. Students will be guided in their subject selection choices, with a focus on achieving the pathway that is best suited for them. We are excited to publish the VCE and VCE-VM subject offerings for Year 11 and 12 in early 2023. They seek deeper connections between their learning and the world around them.